Language Arts | |
K-6 | Houghton-Mifflin - Reading/Spelling |
3-6 | McGraw-Hill – Language/Grammar |
Mathematics | ||
K-1 | McGraw-Hill | MyMath |
2-5 | Houghton-Mifflin | Go Math |
6 | Collegeboard | Springboard |
Science | |
K-3 | Foss Science Kits |
4-5 | MacMillan/McGraw-Hill |
6 | Glencoe |
4-6 | Irvine Unified School District Science Specialist |
Art | |
K-3 | Meet the Masters (PTA sponsored) |
4-6 | Irvine Unified School District Art Specialist |
Music | |
K-3 | Irvine Unified School District Vocal Music Program |
4-6 | Irvine Unified School District Music Instructors |
Social Studies | |
K-3 | Scott Foresman |
4-5 | Harcourt Brace |
6 | McDougal Littell |
Response to Instruction (RTI) in Grades K-6
Through the Response to Instruction (RTI) model, we seek to improve the reading skills of all students by focusing on (a) reading comprehension, (b) reading fluency, and (c) vocabulary development.
- Universal screening. School staff assesses all students to determine each students’ needs. Based on the collected data, our school staff engages in close progress monitoring, differentiated instruction, additional targeted assessment, research-based intervention, and enrichment activities.
- Continuous classroom progress monitoring. Classroom performance of all students are continually monitored within the classroom. In this way, our teachers identify those learners who need more depth and complexity in daily work and those who need greater assistance meeting benchmarks.
- Staff collaboration. Our grade-level teams use a collaborative approach to analyze student data and work together in the development, implementation, and monitoring of the RTI process.
PE Schedule