general rules
- Respect school property and private property.
- Use equipment appropriately and safely.
- Leave all toys, games, balls, and personal items at home.
- Students will use appropriate language at all times.
- Hitting, kicking, wrestling, play fighting, and unsafe play are not allowed.
- No one can be excluded from any game unless permission has been granted by the adults on the yard.
- Positive comments only.
- Chase or tag games are only allowed on the field.
- Students are expected to walk on the blacktop.
- No playing around the portables, classroom doors, or windows.
- No climbing on fences or trees.
- All food must be eaten at the tables only.
- Students must remain at the lunch tables until they are dismissed.
- Stop all play when the bell rings and return playground balls to the cart.
play structure
- Flipping only on the pull-up bars.
- Keep one hand on the bar at all times.
- One person on the monkey bars at a time. Go one direction only.
- Go down the slide facing forward on your bottom only.
- Only one person on the slide at a time.
Do not:
- Jump off any bars.
- Play tag games.
- Climb, sit, or stand on top of the bars or jungle gym.
- One person at a time allowed on a swing.
- Waiting person must count to 30 (one forward and one back equals one count).
- Swing with your bottom only facing the field.
Do not:
- Count back. You must go to a different swing after counted one.
- Twist, jump from, run under, or stand on swings.
- Sit on swings when students want to swing.
- Stand beside or behind swings when in use.
- Hold hands with anyone while swinging.
four square
- Ball must bounce before person plays it.
- There are no teams.
- If there is interference from outside, re-serve the game.
- Ball must be hit with hands. You can use one or both hands.
- When in doubt, ALL players vote.
- Play starts with a serve from the corner “A” square.
- Body hits are out.
Do not:
- Do overhead slams.
- Hold the ball.
- Hit hard corner shots.
- Do double or multiple hits.
- Kick the ball when out.
soccer & football fields
- Teams must be evenly divided.
- Use “two hand touch.”
- Only one goalie. If anyone else picks up the ball, they will be asked to leave the game. (Tell a supervisor.)
- Stop play if someone is injured. Resume play with a throw in.
- Tackling will result in immediate loss of play privileges.
- Stay off soccer field if not area if not playing in game.
Do not:
- Tackle, slide tackle, or trip other players.
- Climb on soccer nets or backstops.
- Use hands while playing soccer.
- Play a “free for all” game of any kind.
- Players choose which ½ of the court is their half.
- Players may only stay within their boundaries, or they are out.
- As long as the ball is on your side, you can hit it.
- Server decides which direction to start play.
- If you hit someone on purpose or argue with the server, you are out and must go to the end of the line.
- When in doubt, all players vote.
- Three wins, then out.
- Game over when person hits ball until rope is gone.
Do not:
- Touch rope or push up rope on pole at any time.
- Hold the ball after serve or rope throws.
- Do volleyball tap or set the ball up to yourself.
- Hold the ball unless serving.
- Hang or sit on tetherball, or climb on pole.
- Cut or save places in line.
- Do “ropies.”
- Each half court may have a maximum of two basketballs.
- Offense calls fouls. If foul occurs while shot is being made, fouled team takes it out. All other fouls, the opposite team takes ball out of bounds.
- Charging is a foul.
- If a majority of players want to play a basketball game instead of just shooting, players must play game or leave.
Do not:
- Travel or double dribble.
- Push or use foul language.
- Do knocks in “lightning” or any other basketball game.
- Continue playing once the freeze bell rings.
- Only two players on the court at all times.
- The ball must bounce within the lines of the handball court. Liners are out.
- The server may have no more than one serve/attempt to put the ball in play inside the white lines.
- The winner serves. Three wins only, then winner goes out.
- When in doubt, all players vote. If voted out, you must go out.
- Always stand behind the line when waiting.
- If the ball misses the wall, you are out. There are no “take ons” or “life” or “chances”.
Do not:
- Cut or save places in line.
- Stand or sit against the handball wall while others are playing.
- Use substitute players.
- Play with “catchies” or “pick-ups” or “blockies” or “slices”.