IUSD Stay Connected

Please CLICK HERE for the IUSD Stay Connected PDF

What does /USO do during an emergency?

During an emergency, IUSD's first priority is to ensure students are safe. We then work to secure the school site, which may involve working with the Irvine Police Department and/or the Orange County Fire Authority or other relevant agencies.
Once we have taken these two important steps, school staff then collaborates with the District Office to communicate accurate information to families.

Where should I look first for updates and information during an emergency?

First, check your email, voicemail and text messages. Then check IUSD's website and social media channels, listed on the front of this flier. Remember to remain calm and follow directions from first responder agencies and/or IUSD.

What is SchoolMessenger and why is it important?

IUSD uses School Messenger to send general email, phone and text communications to par­ents, staff, and community members throughout the school year. Schools and the District also use School Messenger for emergency notifications. When your child is enrolled in school, your phone number and email address is automatically subscribed to SchoolMessenger to receive all District messages.

If you unsubscribe from a message, please note that you will be unsubscribing from the entire School Messenger system. This means that you will no longer receive any notifications from your school site or the District (including emergency notifications). If you accidentally unsub­scribe from a message and wish to re-subscribe, please email helpdesk@iusd.org. We also offer community email subscriptions, so if you wish to subscribe to schools within your community, please visit iusd.org/smsubscribe/default.aspx.

Where can I (Ind more information to help me be prepared for a school emergency and to stay connected with IUSD?
  • iusd.org/connect
  • iusd.org/emergencypreparedness