Instrumental Spring Music Concert - Gr. 4-6

May 24, 2018
100 Honors, Irvine, CA 92620

2018 Northwood Elementary Instrumental Music Spring Concert

When:      May 24, 2018 (Thursday)

Where:     Stonegate Elementary School (Please see map)

100 Honors Irvine 92620

4th Grade STRINGS Arrive:    5:00 pm

4th Grade Strings Concert Begins:    5:30 pm


5th and 6th Grade STRINGS Arrival Time:  6:15 pm

                                                                                                                                                                            5th and 6th Grade Strings Concert Begins:         6:30 pm      


5th and 6th Grade WINDS Arrival Time:     7:15 pm

5th and 6th Grade Winds Concert Begins:   7:30 pm

Concert Dress:

Boys – Dress shirt with a collar, dress pants, dress shoes. (Any Color)

Girls – Blouse, dress or dress pants/skirt, dress shoes. (Any Color)

Please avoid wearing jeans, shorts, t-shirts and tennis shoes.

Stonegate Map


Stonegate Elementary School

     100 Honors, Irvine


Traveling south on the 5 Freeway:

  • Exit Sand Canyon going East to Spring Meadow (cross Irvine Blvd.)
  • Left on Spring Meadow to Honors
  • Right on Honors – 100 Honors

Traveling east on Irvine Blvd. from Culver

  • Left on Jeffrey
  • Right on Encore
  • Right on Honors after a stop sign